Saturday, October 23, 2010

Prayer request for Haiti

As if the earthquake which killed more than 250,000 was not hard enough now we have a cholera outbreak
As of the most recent reports on Saturday evening, the disease has killed at least 208 people and sickened another 2,674 (CBS). So please post your prayer for Haiti! 
We need doctors and nurses and health care professionals there but without the Boss, we are wasting our time! God is the One, the Boss and He can do miracles!

Haiti it's time to pray and of course follow all the sanitary procedures!

God bless!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Cholera Basic Facts

Cholera is an acute diarrhoeal disease caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. A person can become infected by drinking contaminated water or eating food contaminated by the bacterium. Common sources of infection are raw or poorly cooked seafood, raw fruit and vegetables, and other foods that have been contaminated during preparation or storage.
Most episodes of cholera are mild. Persons who have been infected may have no symptoms or only mild diarrhoea. Others, however, develop very severe watery diarrhoea and vomiting. The loss of large amounts of fluids can rapidly lead to severe dehydration causing death - sometimes within three to four hours - if the patient is not adequately treated.

If you have diarrhoea, especially severe diarrhoea, in an area where there is cholera, seek treatment immediately from a physician or other trained health care provider. Begin drinking water and other non-sweetened fluids, such as soup, on the way to getting medical treatment.
The most important treatment of cholera is called rehydration and consists of prompt replacement of the water and salts lost through severe diarrhoea and vomiting. Early rehydration can save the lives of nearly all patients with cholera. Most patients can be rehydrated quickly and simply with a solution of oral rehydration slats (ORS). Packets of these salts are available from most city pharmacies, hospitals and dispensaries and you should carry a supply with you when you travel. Follow the instructions on the packet when making up the solution. The solution is drunk in large quantities, sufficient to replace what has been lost from diarrhoea and vomiting.
Patients who become severely dehydrated may need to receive fluid intravenously. An effective antibiotic can also help to shorten the illness in patients with severe cholera. Antidiarrhoeal medicines, such as loperamide, are not recommended, and should never be given.

Where are the outbreaks of cholera?

Today, cholera is present in many countries. New outbreaks can occur sporadically in any part of the world where water supplies, sanitation, food safety and hygiene practices are inadequate. The inhabitants of overpopulated communities with poor sanitation and unsafe drinking water supplies are most frequently affected. For information on whether there is cholera in the area where you will be travelling, contact your health care provider or local office of public health.

The traditional injectable cholera vaccine conveys incomplete, unreliable protection of short duration and its use, therefore, is not recommended. However, two oral cholera vaccines that provide high level protection for several months against cholera caused by Vibrio cholerae 01 have recently become available in a few countries for use by travellers. No country requires proof of cholera vaccination as a condition for entry and the International Certificate of Vaccination no longer provides a specific space for recording of cholera vaccination. WHO do not recommend vaccination as it may give a false sense of security to vaccinated subjects and to health authorities, who may then neglect more effective measures.

By taking a few basic precautions cholera as well as most other food and water-borne diseases can easily be prevented. The main rule is: Always be aware of the quality of what you eat and drink when you are travelling.

*     Drink only water that has been boiled or disinfected with chlorine, iodine or other suitable products. Products for disinfecting water are generally available in pharmacies, hospitals and dispensaries. Beverages such as hot tea or coffee, wine, beer, carbonated water or soft drinks, and bottled or packaged fruit juices are also usually safe to drink.

*     Avoid ice, unless you are sure that it is made from safe water. 

*     Eat food that has been thoroughly cooked and is still hot when served. Cooked food that has been held at room temperature for several hours and served without being reheated can be an important source of infection. 

*     Avoid raw seafood and other raw foods, except fruits and vegetables that you have peeled or shelled yourself. Remember: Cook it, peel it, or leave it. 

*     Boil unpasteurized milk before drinking it. 

*     Ice cream from unreliable sources is frequently contaminated and can cause illness. If in doubt, avoid it. 

*     Be sure that meals bought from street vendors are thoroughly cooked in your presence and do not contain any uncooked foods.
Infants under six months who are breast-fed, and receive no other foods or drinks, have a low risk of infection. They should continue to be breast fed.

For more Information, Contact your Physician or other Health Care Provider

Source: World Health Organization

Le choléra en 4 points

Qu’est-ce le choléra?
Le choléra est dû à une germe microscopique. C’est une maladie contagieuse et infectieuse. Il atteint souvent un grand nombre de personne (épidémie). La maladie est transmise par l’eau de boisson. Et aussi par les malades qui éliminent le germe dans leurs matières fécales, contaminant ainsi leur entourage. Le choléra est une maladie aiguë très grave qui doit être traitée rapidement.

Comment savoir qu’une personne a le choléra ?
Le sujet présente brutalement une diarrhée très liquide et très abondante ; des vomissements très fréquents, une sensation de soif. Et rapidement, en quelques heures, il ressent des douleurs musculaires, il souffre surtout d’une déshydratation intense. Le malade a les yeux enfoncés dans les orbites. Il est couvert de sueur.

Comment traiter le choléra?
A défaut de pouvoir emmener le malade à l’hôpital, le traitement consiste à redonner de l’eau au malade en lui injectant directement dans les veines, des quantité importantes de liquide. On y ajoute des antibiotiques.
Ce traitement fait d’urgence va rapidement guérir le malade.
Cependant, le malade est très contagieux et il pourrait contaminer d’autres personnes de la famille ou du village.

Que faire pour éviter le choléra?
il n’existe qu’un seul remède : la propreté.
Il faut éviter de boire de l’eau polluée, se laver soigneusement les mains avant de manger, à la sortie des WC. Eviter les repas en commun.
Eviter de manger les aliments vendus dans la rue à la merci des mouches et autres insectes.
Utiliser de l’eau de javel pour laver les fruits et légumes.


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Les candidats à la présidence (

Les candidats à la présidence et leur numéro de campagne

alexis jacques edouard charles henri baker jean henry ceant chavannes jeune mirlande manigat michel martelly
Axan Abellard,
58 ans
Jacques E. Alexis,
63 ans
Jean Hector Anacacis
55 ans
Charles H. Baker,
55 ans
Josette Bijou,
69 ans
Gérard Blot
59 ans

michel martelly
Jean Henry Céant,
54 ans
Jude Célestin,
48 ans
Eric S. Charles,
48 ans
Yves Cristalin,
41 ans
Wilson Jeudy,
47 ans
Chavannes Jeune,
57 ans

garaudy laguerre mirlande manigat michel martelly yvon neptune
Léon Jeune
74 ans
Génard Joseph
43 ans
Garaudy Laguerre
47 ans
Mirlande Manigat,
67 ans
Michel Martelly,
49 ans
Yvon Neptune,
63 ans

leslie voltaire
Leslie Voltaire,
61 ans

How warm is it?

Warm temperature, ranging year-round from 70-93° F in the coastal regions, and 50-75 in the mountainous areas; rainy seasons are April-May and August-October.

Enjoy the music!

You might be going through some tough time and you feel like you can not take it anymore. Remember there is a friend who cares and his name is Jesus. He says cast all your care upon him for he caress for you. He will give you rest! The road might be treacherous, nevertheless, don't ever give up!

It is time...

Time does not stand still. So, Make the best use of it!